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Old 21 New publication highlighting activities of the African Elephant Fund Secretariat launched recently in the CMS COP 12

NEW!!! Call for Project Proposals/NOUVEAU!!! Appel à soumission de projets

African Elephant Fund : Transforming Strategies into Action report demonstrates the relevance of the activities funded so far through the African Elephant Fund mechanism to the eight objectives of the African Elephant Action Plan (AEAP).

To reduce illegal killing of elephants and illegal trade in elephant products, maintaining elephant habitats and restoring connectivity, reducing human-elephant conflicts (HEC), and increasing awareness on elephant conservation.

Thirty-seven (37) range states have done an excellent job at turning the African Elephant Action Plan into concrete actions. Thirty-three (33) projects have been implemented so far and we wanted to show the donors the positive changes their contributions have brought to local communities throughout Africa.

The report also highlights testimonies from project beneficiaries and partners throughout the four regions where we intervene.

This report was launched at the 12th CMS COP held in Manila, the Philippines. The Report was made possible thanks to the hard work and efforts of the AEF secretariat team, espceially Barbara Matu who worked extra hard for this to become a reality.

To access the report, click here.



Mole National Park: The Amazing World of Elephants

The Amazing World of Elephants documentary from the AEF project in Ghana entitled: Elephant Conservation Through Law Enforcement And Stakeholder Engagement In Mole National Park And Its Corridors.


Video: CITES CoP17, Where wildlife matters