Amboseli-West Kilimanjaro-Magadi-Natron Ecosystem Aerial Mammal Count

The Amazing World of Elephants documentary from the AEF project in Ghana entitled: Elephant Conservation Through Law Enforcement And Stakeholder Engagement In Mole National Park And Its Corridors.
The Government of Kenya officially launched the aerial census of elephants and other large mammals in Amboseli-West Kilimanjaro cross-border ecosystem on 20 June 2018 at Amboseli National Park, Kenya.
This project was approved for funding through the African Elephant Fund during the 10th African Elephant Fund Steering Committee meeting held in Kasane, Botswana on 1 to 3 March 2018.
The event was attended by the Government of Kenya officials, the Amboseli Ecosystem Trust, the International Fund for Animal Welfare, the United Nations Environment Programme (African Elephant Fund Secretariat), the local leaders and local communities of Kajiado County.
Amboseli and West Kilimanjaro ecosystem is currently experiencing challenges of land tenure, land use system, drought and climate change.
These have impacted negatively on the elephant population resulting into loss and fragmentation of elephants’ habitat as well as human-elephant conflict.
The collared elephant data has confirmed extensive elephant movement patterns between Kenya and Tanzania.
These migrations are centered around Amboseli- Magadi area and West Kilimajaro-Natron in Tanzania that constitute the larger ecosystem.
This ongoing aerial mammal count is expected to provide information on elephant numbers and trends in the ecosystem.
To be used on the appropriate management actions.
The aerial census is working to achieve the African Elephant Action Plan objective number five. The objective is to strengthen range states knowledge on African elephant management by determining elephant population abundance and distribution in the ecosystem. It will also determine elephant population trends in the ecosystem over time.
Threat identification to elephant conservation in the landscape and fostering cross-border collaboration on elephant population monitoring and management.
The objective will come up with strategies for effective elephant management across the landscape.