Project reports - East Africa

Year: 2015
Updating the African Elephant Database (IUCN/SSC African Elephant Specialist Group)
East Africa

Year: 2018
Building Capacity and Developing Tools for Elephant Censoring and Elephant Mortality Monitoring
in Tropical Montane and Forest Habitats in Kenya
| Narrative Report
I | Narrative
Report II | Interim Progress
Report |
Year: 2013
The Impacts of Poaching on Elephants and Threats to Elephants in Tsavo- Mkomazi Ecosystem
Final Report |

-Enhancing Prosecution of Elephant Poachers Through Training, Ivory stockpile Genotyping and Construction of African Elephant DNA Library | Project proposal |
-Developing Drought Mitigation Measures for Elephants in Tsavo by Understanding Long-Term
Elephant Distribution and Mortality Patterns in Relation to NDVI, Rainfall and Waterholes
| Kenya,
Rwanda, South-Sudan,Tanzania, Uganda |
-Enhancing Cooperation in Combating Elephant Poaching and Illegal Ivory Trade In East
| Project
proposal |
Year: 2014
Reinforcement of Anti-Poaching Patrols to Reduce Illegal Trafficking of Ivory and Other Wildlife
Products at Entry and Exit Points
| Progress
Report |
Year: 2013
Human-Elephant Conflicts Mitigation Around Kilimanjaro National Park in Tanzania
| Final Report
| Financial Report |

Year: 2019
Strengthening Elephant Conservation through Law enforcement and Stakeholder engagement in Queen Elizabeth National Park-Uganda | Proposal Report |
Year: 2013
Strengthening Law Enforcement against Elephant Poaching and Illegal Ivory Trade in Uganda
| Interim
Financial Report | Final
Report |
Narrative Report |

Kenya, Rwanda, South-Sudan,Tanzania, Uganda
Year: 2014
Enhancing Cooperation in Combating Elephant Poaching and Illegal Ivory Trade In East Africa
(Lusaka Agreement Task Force- LATF)
| Progress

Central Africa
Congo, Cameroon and Central African Republic
Year: 2014
Strengthening Law Enforcement Capacity to Combat Elephant Poaching and Ivory Trafficking in Central Africa (Lusaka Agreement Task Force- LATF) | Progress Report |

Year: 2019
Strengthening the protection of the elephant population in Boumba Bek National Park Renforcement
de la protection des populations d’elephants dans le Parc National de Boumba Bek
| Proposal
Report |
Strengthening the protection of elephant population in Waza National Park
| Progress Report

Year: 2019
Conservation of forest elephant in the forest area of Bateke-Plateau Congo- Gabon Conservation de
l’elephant de forets dans la zone forestiere des Plateaux Batekes Congo- Gabon
| Proposal
Report |

Year: 2019
Elephant Inventory in Gamba protected area Complex (CAPG) Inventaire des elephant dans le Complexe d’Aires Protegees de Gamba (CAPG) | Proposal Report |
Year: 2018
Military Training for Gabon’s Park Rangers | Narrative Report |

Year: 2017
Developing a Quadcopter and Infrared Camera System to Monitor and Track the African Forest
| Final progress report
Final expenditure report | Narrative report
Narrative report II |
Year: 2015
Genetic Traceability of Ivory for Law Enforcement in Gabon | Interim progress |
Southern Africa
Year: 2014
Malawi -Thuma Forest Reserve (TFR) and Dedza- Salima Escarpment Sos (DSFR) Fence Extension 2014 | Progress report |
Year: 2013
Improving Protection of Elephants and Enforcement of the Wildlife Laws in Kasungu National Park | Progress report |

Year: 2017
Aerial Survey of Elephants in the Northwest of Namibia
| Progress report
Expenditure report |
Narrative report |

Year: 2016
Strengthening law enforcement capacity to combat illegal killing of elephants in Zambia.
| Progress report
Expenditure report | Narrative
report |
Year: 2014
Human-Elephant Conflicts Vulnerability Assessment and Mitigation Tools in Zambia

Year: 2019
Enhancing the capacity of Sengwa Wildlife Research Institute to deliver training in SMART Ranger
Based Monitoring (RBM) System in the Sebungwe and other elephant Range areas in Zimbabwe
| Proposal Report |

West Africa
Year: 2013
Etude des Circuits de Commercialisation de L'ivoire et des Produits à Base D'ivoire Entre le
Bénin, Burkina Faso, Niger et le Togo / Understanding of Commercialization Channels of Ivory and
Ivory Based Products Between Cote d'Livoire, Benin, Burkina Faso, Niger and Togo
| Rapport
d’activités et financier | Rapport
d’étape-Benin et Niger | Rapport
d’étape-Togo |

Year: 2018
Reducing HEC Through Improved Monitoring, Stakeholder Engagement and Law Enforcement
| Narrative Report
I | Narrative
Report II |
Final Expenditure Report I |
Year: 2016
Elephant Conservation Through Law Enforcement and Stakeholder Engagement In Mole National Park
and its Corridors
| Interim
Report | Expendure Report
| Narrative Report I |
Narrative Report II |

Year: 2019
Eco ethology of Savannah elephant (loxodanta africana Blumenbach 1797) Facing climate change in W
National park of Niger
| Proposal
Report |

Year: 2013
Strengthening Law Enforcement and Reducing Elephant Poaching at Yankari Game Reserve by Providing
Rangers With Basic Field Equipment
Final report
| Quarterly report |
Quarterly report II
| Presentations |
Financial report
| Annual
report |
Year: 2015
Using Satellite Collars to Provide More Effective Elephant Protection and Reduce Human-Elephant Conflict at Yankari Game Reserve.
Supporting SMART Ranger Patrols at Yankari Game Reserve to Strengthen Law Enforcement and Reducing Elephant Poaching download report Using Satellite Collars to Provide More Effective Elephant Protection and Reduce Human-Elephant Conflict at Yankari Game Reserve.

Bénin, Burkina Faso, Niger, Togo
Year: 2014
Strategie Nationale de Lutte Contre Le Commerce Illicite de l'ivoire et Produits Derives /
National Strategy to Combat Illicit Trade the Ivory and Derived Products (Awareness Projects for
the Fight Against Elephants' Poaching in the Cross- Border Biosphere of the W Reserve
| Rapport fund