Funding by region

Cross cutting
- Preparing Technical Inputs for Updating the African Elephant Action Plan: USD 17,568
- Revamping and enhancing the African Elephant Database and related data structures: USD 25,000
Central Africa
Congo, Cameroon and Central African Republic
- Strengthening Law Enforcement Capacity to Combat Elephant Poaching and Ivory Trafficking in Central Africa (Lusaka Agreement Task Force- LATF):USD 34,898

- Projet de sauvegarde de l’éléphant dans le Parc National de Kalamaloué (Extrême-Nord Cameroun / département du Logone et Chari) / Elephant Conservation Project in Kalamaloué National Park (Logone and Chari Division, Far North Region, Cameroon): USD 50,000
- Renforcement Des Capacités Opérationnelles Dans La Lutte Contre Le Trafic Illégal Des Produits Et Sous Produits De L’éléphant. /Reinforcement of Operational Capacities in the Fight Against the Illegal Trafficking of Elephant Products and Sub- Products: USD 90,000
- Developing a Quadcopter and Infrared Camera System to Monitor and Track the African Forest Elephant: USD 16,399.80
- Genetic Traceability of Ivory for Law Enforcement in Gabon: USD 39,500
- Military Training for Gabon’s Park Rangers: USD 108,700
- Elephant Inventory in Gamba protected area Complex (CAPG) Inventaire des elephant dans le Complexe d’Aires Protegees de Gamba (CAPG): USD 109,049
- Elephant Collaring Operation, Zakouma National Park: USD 50,000
- Réduction des Impacts du Covid19 sur les Principales Activités de Protection des Éléphants au Tchad (RICAPPE): USD 50,000
- Monitoring and Protection of the Elephant Population of the Chari-Chad River Area: USD 107,950
East Africa
- Improving Field Intelligence and Investigation Capacity for Ivory and Other Wildlife Crimes in Ethiopia: USD 15,000
- Combating the Illegal Killing of Elephants and Regional Trade of Ivory in Southwest Ethiopia: USD 30,000
- Law Enforcement Operation, Workshop and Capacity Building in Southern Ethiopia: USD 10,000
- Combating Illegal Trade in Elephant Ivory in Ethiopia: USD 30,000
- Building Capacity and Developing Tools for Elephant Censoring and Elephant Mortality Monitoring in Tropical Mountain and Forest Habitats in Kenya: USD 60,000
- The Impact of Poaching on Elephants and Threats to Elephants in Tsavo-Mkomazi Ecosystem: USD 49,000
- Amboseli –West Kilimanjaro – Magadi Ecosystem Aerial Mammal Count: USD 60,000
- Enhancing Prosecution of Elephant Poachers Through Training, Ivory stockpile Genotyping and Construction of African Elephant DNA Library: USD 89,355
- Developing Drought Mitigation Measures for Elephants in Tsavo by Understanding Long-Term Elephant Distribution and Mortality Patterns in Relation to NDVI, Rainfall and Waterholes: USD 20,588
- Managing Human-Wildlife Conflict Amid the COVID-19 Pandemic in Agro-Pastoral Communities Neighbouring the Lewa Wildlife Conservancy, Kenya: USD 42,725
- Securing the elephant population within the Greater Amboseli Ecosystem from escalating human-elephant conflict and poaching risk due to COVID-19: USD 50,000
- Management interventions to alleviate human elephant conflicts around Imenti Forest, Mt. Kenya Forest Reserve, amidst heightened insecurity caused by COVID-19: USD 38,261
- Reducing Human Elephant Conflict in Northern Kenya: USD 49,062

Kenya, Rwanda, South-Sudan, Tanzania, Uganda
Kenya, South Sudan, Tanzania,Uganda
- Enhancing Cooperation in Combating Elephant Poaching and Illegal Ivory Trade in East Africa: USD 25,828

- Human-Elephant Conflicts Mitigation around Kilimanjaro National Park in Tanzania: USD 26,865
- Reinforcement of Anti-Poaching Patrols to Reduce Illegal Trafficking of Ivory and Other Wildlife Products at Entry and Exit Points: USD 41,450
- Strengthening community capacity in addressing Human Elephant Conflicts (HEC) in areas adjacent to Mkomazi ecosystem: USD 61,090
- Strengthening Law Enforcement against Elephant Poaching and Illegal Ivory Trade in Uganda: USD 31,844
- Establishment of an Efficient, Effective and Reliable Communications Network to Support Wildlife Law Enforcement Operations throughout Queen Elizabeth Protected Area, Uganda: USD 140,000
- Strengthening Elephant Conservation through Law enforcement and Stakeholder engagement in Queen Elizabeth National Park-Uganda: USD 95,597.56
- Strengthened law enforcement capacity to save the elephant population in Murchison Falls Conservation Area amidst Covid -19 pandemic: USD 49,932

South Sudan
South Sudan
- Reducing Covid-19 Related African Elephant Conservation Challenges in and Around Nimule National Park (NNP): USD 50,000

Southern Africa
- Resolution of the Human-Elephant Conflict: USD 37,500
- Spatial and Behavioral Analyses of Elephants Roaming Outside Expected Range Using Modern Monitoring Tools: USD 34,000
- Extension of an electric fence to reduce HEC: USD 42,433
- Improving Protection of Elephants and Enforcement of Wildlife Laws in Kasungu National Park: USD 20,000
- Combating Illegal Killing of Elephants and Trafficking of Ivory: USD 100,000
- Mitigation of HEC and Addressing Deforestation and Forest Degradation Through Income Generating Activities with Communities: USD 59,484
- Strengthen Law Enforcement and Mitigating Human-Elephant Conflict in and around Kasungu National Park: USD 46,956
- Elephant Ivory Stockpile Management and Conservation in Mozambique: USD 153,000
- Aerial Survey of Elephants in the Northwest of Namibia: USD 75,681
- Human-Elephant Conflicts Vulnerability Assessment and Mitigation Tools in Zambia: USD 40,000
- Enhancing Effectiveness of Law Enforcement Monitoring and Analysis systems in Zambia’s Elephant Range Areas: USD 60,000
- Strengthening Law Enforcement Capacity to Combat Illegal Killing of Elephants in Zambia: USD 21,220
- Habitat Use by African Elephants in the Zambezi Valley, Zimbabwe: An Inquiry into the Effectiveness of Corridors and the Suitability of the Environment to Sustain the Species: USD 39,230
- Enhancing the capacity of Sengwa Wildlife Research Institute to deliver training in SMART Ranger Based Monitoring (RBM) System in the Sebungwe and other elephant Range areas in Zimbabwe: USD 53,800
- An integrated conservation and management approach to African elephants during a period of social and economic crisis in Hwange, Northwest Matabeleland Elephant Region, Zimbabwe: USD 49,940
West Africa
- Understanding of Commercialization Channels of Ivory and Ivory Based Products Between Cote d’Ivoire, Benin, Burkina Faso, Niger and Togo: USD 29,262
Burkina Faso
- Reinforcement of the Human-Elephant Conflict Management Capabilities in Burkina Faso: USD 57,000
Burkina Faso/Benin/Niger
- Awareness Project for the Fight Against Elephants’ Poaching in the Cross-Border Biosphere of the W Reserve (PSLAB/RBTW): USD 24,650
Burkina Faso/Benin/Niger/Togo
- Sensibilisation et Renforcement des Capacités des Corps de Contrôle Pour la Lutte Contre le Trafic Illicite de l’ivoire au Bénin, Burkina Faso, Niger et au Togo/ Raising Awareness and Capacity Building of the Control Corps for the Fight Against Illegal Trafficking of Ivory in Benin, Burkina Faso, Niger and Togo: USD 104,720
Côte d’Ivoire
- Improvement of Knowledge of the Elephants Involved in Human-Elephant Conflict/Amelioration Des Connaissances Sur Les Elephants Impliques Dans Les Conflits Avec Les Hommes: USD 90,160
- Extension of GPS tracking of elephants in conflict with humans to 10 new groups: USD 107,950
- Elephant Conservation Through Law Enforcement and Stakeholder Engagement in Mole National Park and its Corridors: USD 133,640
- Reducing HEC Through Improved Monitoring, Stakeholder Engagement and Law Enforcement: USD 156,786
- Mitigating Human-Wildlife Conflict Around Bia Conservation Area through Community Participation: USD 74,000
- Enhancing community collaboration and law enforcement capacity for effective management of human elephant conflict (HEC) and protection of Digya elephants: USD 50,000
- Conservation of African Elephants in Mole and its Corridors: USD 50,000

- Strengthening Law Enforcement Capacity in Close Collaboration with Local Communities to Protect the Gourma Elephants: USD 110,950
- Eco ethology of Savannah elephant (loxodanta africana Blumenbach 1797) Facing climate change in W National park of Niger: USD 3,726
- Projet de conservation des éléphants au parc du W Niger: USD 50,000
- Supporting SMART Ranger Patrols at Yankari Game Reserve to Strengthen Law Enforcement and Reducing Elephant Poaching: USD 20,860
- Using Satellite Collars to Provide More Effective Elephant Protection and Reduce Human-Elephant Conflict at Yankari Game Reserve: USD 13,360
- Strengthening Law Enforcement and Reducing Elephant Poaching at Yankari Game Reserve by Providing Rangers with Basic Field Equipment: USD 14,850
- Supporting SMART-based Ranger Patrols at Yankari Game Reserve to Strengthen Law Enforcement and Reduce Elephant Poaching: USD 35,900
- Improving Law Enforcement and Reducing Elephant Poaching in the Oban Division of Cross River National Park through SMART: USD 25,310
- Saving Nigeria’s Largest Elephant Population in the Midst of COVID-19: USD 50,000
- Appui à l’intégration des Communautés Locales dans la Gestion des Eléphants du Parc National Fazao-Malfakassa/ Supporting the Integration of Local Communities into the Management of Elephants in Fazao-Malfakassa National Park: USD 25,000
- Reduction of COVID-19 pandemic impact on elephant’s conservation in Fazao-Malfakassa national park: USD 45,156