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The 11th Round of Call for Proposals has been launched

Mole National Park: The Amazing World of Elephants

The Amazing World of Elephants documentary from the AEF project in Ghana entitled: Elephant Conservation Through Law Enforcement And Stakeholder Engagement In Mole National Park And Its Corridors.



The eleventh round of call for project proposals to the African Elephant Fund (AEF) has been launched. The purpose of the call is to allow African elephant range States to apply for funding for projects aimed at supporting the implementation of the revised African Elephant Action Plan (AEAP 2023).


Evaluation Criteria

The AEF Steering Committee will evaluate and select proposals that will receive funding from the AEF. Project proposals should meet the following minimum requirements:

  • The project proposals must be submitted on or before the deadline;
  • The standard AEF project proposal template must be used;
  • The project proposal must be linked to at least one or more of the AEAP objectives;
  • All project proposals must be submitted by a Competent Authority or be accompanied by a letter of endorsement from the Competent Authority of the range State. A Competent Authority is the national Government entity responsible for wildlife in the range State;
  • Project proposals for transboundary projects must have endorsement letters from all the Competent Authorities of the participating range States;
  • The duration of the proposed project should be equal to or greater than 9 months;
  • A two-page executive summary of the project proposal must be provided in both English and French.


The full evaluation and selection criteria is linked here: Evaluation and Selection Criteria

Project proposals should be submitted to the AEF Secretariat at by 15 March 2025 at 11:59PM East African Time (EAT).

For further information or clarification on the application procedure, please write to the AEF Secretariat at


Video: CITES CoP17, Where wildlife matters